Monday, February 7, 2011

Video: 4 of the Greats Perform Sing, Sing, Sing

What do you get when you get Benny Goodman, Gene Krupa, Harry James, and Lionel Hampton on the same stage??

You get the best version of Sing, Sing, Sing ever....

Monday, October 18, 2010

Old Stereo Humor.. Gramaphone-Not the Nine o Clock News

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Office 2010 Excel Games

There has been a lot of talke about the additonal business functionalities of Office 2010 since it was first introduced.  However now that it released, Microsoft is showing more of the fun side of the applications that show just how powerful of a tool it really is.  Check out this video showing games in Excel, these games require Office 2010 to operate, but it is really cool to see deeper in the functionality of the product.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Apps - They Can Be Addictive

The invention of the smartphone and the ability to easy create and download apps has made our lives more productive and enjoyable.  However, there is a dark side to all of this, App Adiciton, while downloading useful apps can be a good thing, downloading and using apps all the time can be annoying to your friends and family (just ask my wife).

Thursday, July 1, 2010

iPhone4 Ingenious Antenna = Class Action Suit

The iPhone4, this changes everything..  I do not believe that Apple nor AT&T had lawsuits in mind when they created that slogan. What was believed to be an ingenious way to connect an antenna is backfiring all the way to court.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sonos Adds iPad App

Sonos multi zone players have some very cool and useful remotes to access the content from any zone, these options have just gotten better with the announcement of the Sonos iPad app.

Friday, June 18, 2010

New Google Phone Feature Designed to Lower Fees - The Onion

Sunday, June 13, 2010

3D Moves Forward - But What Does its Future Look Like

Unless you have lived under a rock for the past year or so you have heard allot about 3D for the home.  While analysts are still divided on how it will be received manufacturers are releasing more and more 3D products.  Products from TVs to Receivers have been announced and released in some cases, however it has been very quiet on the content front from both studios and gaming.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Terrestrial Shrub Rover- Solar Powered Car that Looks Like a Bush

It may look a Python skit in the video, but the bush moving along the road is actually a solar powered car designed to look like a bush.  The creator artist Justin Shull created the Terrestrial Shrub Rover in honor of NASA returning to the moon.  While the idea is there, it looks more like something for spying on your neighbors then a moon buggy.  Either way, it is a pretty cool use of technology and very creative in concept.

Fun With PowerPoint - PacMan - YouTube Video

Powerpoint has been around for over a decade and has grown to become loved and hated (mostly hated), while it is mostly used for presentations it is a powerful tool to express things graphically.  Sure there are more advanced programs out there, but there is a lot that can be done by a creative mind.

This one is for all the neh sayers who hate powerpoint and have not looked at it lately... Check out this video on YouTube posted by Gollum9993.  Check the description of the video for a link to download the PowerPoint file and see for yourself..