Showing posts with label Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Design. Show all posts

Monday, March 1, 2010

Peachtree Audio's Nova: Digital Media Merged with High End Audio

As the way we store, access, and listen to music has changed over the course of the past decade or so, the argument over digital media and great sound has been a heated one.  True audio listeners are against the methods commonly used for listening to digital media and non audio buffs do not that the content can be played back on a great system.

Web Design Basics

Setting up a business can be hard work and requires a lot of attention to details especially if you are doing it yourself.  You have spent time defining your business plan, developing your products, and setting up your dealer base and how to sell.  But what about your website? A poorly designed web site can make or break a product or service and knowing the basics of web site design can help you define your site and make it one that will not only attract customers, but keep them coming back for more.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Logitech Squeezebox Radio

For years now Logitech SqueezeBox has been a great way to distribute music from PC and Macs as well as access internet radio.  Earlier this year LogiTech added a small radio to the line that provides a great way to play music in a single room as standalone or part of a complete multi-room system.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Importance of Design Thinking

I came across this video while reading through a newsletter email, it discusses the importance of change by design and how design thinking is important to the end product result.

This is something that I have always believed in, not only due to my nature of being a design thinker, but because I have witnessed the benefits of its inclusion from the start.  One of the main benefits as pointed out in the video is that designers are not stopped by a business or marketing thought, they are only limited by their imagination. While I know that these items are important, they should not be allowed to limit the functionality of a product or service.

While there are a lot of companies who understand this principle, many do not and that is hurting not only them as a company, but the industry that they function in. Part of what happens is that non designers push out designers as they appear to infringe on outdated business ideals. I have witnessed this first hand as business minded non designers would not accept the free form thought needed at the start of project leading to the project being late and not meeting its goals.

If you are in development field or management of development, I recommend watching this video: Change By Design by Tim Brown | Book Brief

The video is from as part of their Book Brief series.