Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Office 2010 Excel Games

There has been a lot of talke about the additonal business functionalities of Office 2010 since it was first introduced.  However now that it released, Microsoft is showing more of the fun side of the applications that show just how powerful of a tool it really is.  Check out this video showing games in Excel, these games require Office 2010 to operate, but it is really cool to see deeper in the functionality of the product.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Apps - They Can Be Addictive

The invention of the smartphone and the ability to easy create and download apps has made our lives more productive and enjoyable.  However, there is a dark side to all of this, App Adiciton, while downloading useful apps can be a good thing, downloading and using apps all the time can be annoying to your friends and family (just ask my wife).

Thursday, July 1, 2010

iPhone4 Ingenious Antenna = Class Action Suit

The iPhone4, this changes everything..  I do not believe that Apple nor AT&T had lawsuits in mind when they created that slogan. What was believed to be an ingenious way to connect an antenna is backfiring all the way to court.